Aariz Mohammed is the Coordinator of Center for Minorities Empowerment, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Andhra Pradesh is planning to introduce an ordinance to give reservation to some Muslim communities of Andhra Pradesh. TwoCircles.net editor Kashif-ul-Huda spoke to Aariz Mohammed about reservation proposal of the Andhra government and in that background legal and political aspect of the reservation for Muslims of India.
TCN: What is the proposal for giving Muslims reservation in Andhra Pradesh (AP)?
A: The first proposal to include Muslims in reservation was given in 1966. 5 biradaris within Muslims were given reservation based on their caste. They were included in the Backward Class(BC) list under Article 340, in the year 1972.
But since 1972 their reservation benefits exist only on paper. They have to get a certificate to be eligible for reservation to the local government office. They can get certificate only as Hindu castes. If they argue that they are Muslims, then they are refused certificates. Only people who are able to fight this can get the necessary documentation. So, many are not able to get the certificates needed.
In 1990s, few more Muslim communities were added in the BC list. This was accepted by Courts too. Quraish community is included in the Central’s BC list but not in State’s BC list.
In the aftermath of Gujarat genocide of 2002, when there were talk to do something for Muslims, reservation issue got discussed again. This time Congress promised 5% reservation for Muslims and Telgu Desam Party (TDP) promised 3%.
TCN: What is the rationale behind these 5% and 3% numbers promised by different political parties?
A: This was announced by political parties to cash the Muslim votes in their favour. After the Supreme Court that reservation quota can not increase more than 50% there is only 3% that could have been available to Muslims. TDP therefore announced that they will give this 3% reservation to Muslims.
Congress on the other hand announced 5% reservation for Muslims saying that even if we go few percentages beyond the 50% quote limit this is not such a big deal. Muslims voted to bring Congress back to power in Andhra Pradesh.
But the politics behind this reservation numbers is nothing but the ‘Muslim appeasement politics.’
TCN: What is the basis for this new proposal?
A: Constitution of India is clear that there should not be any discrimination based on race, gender, religion etc. But the same constitution in Article 331 and other articles have managed to discriminate based on the religion.
People think that in the Indian context, caste is equal to class. So they are introducing caste where the caste system has weakened resulting in the perpetuating of the caste system in every social group.
So, in 50 years when Muslims couldn’t benefit from reservation, we see very little caste differentiation among Muslims of AP. You can compare this with other states where Muslims were given reservation and you will find many differences among them.
Only Congress will benefit by giving this reservation to Muslims. Muslims will suffer much loss as a community because in about 25 years the caste system will stratify among them. This is what the soft Hindutva want for Indian Muslims.
TCN: Then what should be the basis for reservation for Muslims?
A: Muslims who are getting reservation based on their caste are getting benefit only on paper. Even the Sachar Committee has acknowledged that OBC Muslims are not getting certificates to get benefit for the reservation. So caste based reservation is nothing but a attempt to poll more votes in the election.
So reservation should not be a tool to erase the identity of the Muslims. In fact, Indian Muslims should get reservation based on their identity as a Muslim.
TCN: What about the criticism that creamy layers within Muslim will get all the benefits and those who really need reservation will continue to suffer?
A: Even after 50 years we still don’t have a constitutional definition of the backward class. Governments need to define who should be classified as backward irrespective of the caste, creed, race, and religion. Then more than 80% Muslims will get a share in the reservation due to their backwardness. This is a way to benefit all those who are really backward.
Government can provide for reservation based on religion alone, constitutionally it is possible. Article 331 of the Indian Constitution provides reservation to Anglo-Indian community and they all are Christian. Similarly, Article 341(3) gives reservation to untouchable among Hindus calling them Scheduled Castes (SCs). Those untouchable who are not Hindus are not considered SCs. 1950 Presidential order removed Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Christians, and Muslims from the SC list. Then in 1956 Sikhs and in 1992 Buddhists were included back in the SC list. So which religion is missing from this list?
TCN: What besides reservation Muslims can do to empower their community?
A: First of all, Muslims have the highest drop out rate among school age children. This is because they do not have enough schools in Muslim majority areas. Secondly, a large majority think that there is enough discrimination against them that they will not get any jobs so what is the use of studying.
First thing we have to do is to change our mindset. Our Holy Book started with the first word which was “read.” If we don’t do anything to make sure our community members read then what kind of Muslim are we?
Second thing is that financially Muslims here are in really bad shape. Muslims who are in better position economically should sponsor or support others. They should help in the establishment of schools in Muslim areas. They should come forward to sponsor Muslim kids for their education.
We have to have a target that in 20 years no Muslim kid will be out of school. For this to be achieved we have to put pressure on the government and also do what we can do using our own resources.